Young Moroccans have dreams, but often they have no idea how to reach them. During a recent focus group, MEDA Morocco country manager Adil Sadoq spoke to youths about their dreams for the future.
One teaches sewing; her dream is to open a tailoring shop. Another has dreams of owning a beauty shop. Two young men aged about 17 or18 had vocational training in plumbing and electricity.
One wanted to find a mentor to gain skills and confidence to get a job, while the other wanted to start his own plumbing business. They are looking for training in how to go about doing so.
Fatima, 20, lives with her family. She is a seamstress, with dreams of purchasing a better sewing machine. "The banks will not give people as young as me loans, so I have no way to purchase any sewing equipment. Through YouthInvest, now I can get a loan to get a new machine – and I can also get training in how to run and expand my business to be successful."